Otaki Han Taihojutsu instruction is available in Southern Indiana and at multiple locations across the Phoenix, Arizona metro area.  All instructors are licensed and in “Good Standing” within the Otaki Han organization.  Class sizes are typically small and allow for excellent one-on-one interaction with instructors.

Otaki Han Honbu Dojo

c/o Jon O’Neall, Soden Shihan

321 South St

Oakland City, IN 47660

602-361-5075 (text or call)

[email protected]

Private lessons also available.  Please text, call, or email for more information.


Shibui Dojo

c/o Phil Hillard, Hiden Shihan

480-589-5638 (text or call)

[email protected]

Private lessons also available.  Please text, call, or email for more information.


East Valley Taihojutsu Academy

c/o Johnny Berghian, Hiden Shihan

602-750-8671 (text or call)

[email protected]

Private lessons also available.  Please text, call, or email for more information.

Tempe Jujutsu Academy

c/o Elliott Rehm, Okuden Sensei

715 W 5th St

Tempe, AZ  85281

[email protected]


Sabaku Tengu Dojo

c/o Bill Calaway, Okuden Sensei

14 W Fairmont Dr

Tempe, AZ  85282

480-249-6390 (text or call)

[email protected]