The Otaki Han Komon Kai serves as the senior advisory council to the Soden Shihan.  Phil Hillard, Johnny Berghian, and Toby Scovel comprise its current membership.


Hiden Shihan, Otaki Han Komon Kai Member

Phil Hillard was born in Kansas, but raised in Arizona.  His martial arts journey began early in life when at the age of 8 he enrolled in a karate class at a local community center.  Phil eventually earned the rank of Nidan (2nd degree blackbelt) in Wado Ryu Karate under Sensei Ray Hughes.  Wado Ryu’s historical connection to jujutsu sparked an interest in Phil to learn more about that art and after many years of karate training and competitions (and with some time spent in judo, aikido, and even boxing), he was introduced to Shihan Eric Merrill in 1996.  Phil found Shihan Merrill’s taihojutsu system fascinating and immediately knew he had found his martial home.  He trained directly under Shihan Merrill for the next 9 years until Shihan Merrill retired from active teaching in 2005.  Phil then continued to train privately with Shihan Merrill at quarterly yudansha classes (along with other Otaki Han yudansha) until Shihan Merrill’s untimely death in May of 2019.

Phil earned his black-belt in Otaki Han Taihojutsu in 1998 and in 2002 Shihan Merrill granted him a teaching license.  In 2004 Phil  opened the East Valley Jujutsu Academy in Tempe, Arizona (along with Johnny Berghian).  Phil later moved to Atlanta, Georgia to attend school where he started a new dojo at Life University.  He lived and taught in Georgia from 2006 to 2013 before returning to Arizona where he now operates the Shibiu Dojo based out of Gilbert, Arizona (see Dojos for contact information).

In Shihan Merrill’s Living Trust dated June 2015, he designated Phil as a “senior advisor” to the next Soden Shihan, and as such is a member of the Otaki Han Komon Kai.  In 2020 Soden Shihan O’Neall awarded Phil the title of Hiden Shihan.

Phil also trains in Daito Ryu Aikijujitsu Ginjuikai with the Ginjukai Arizona Study Group under the guidance of senseis Howard Popkin and Joe Brogna.  Although the Ginjukai honbu is located in New York, Phil trains with senseis Popkin and Brogna whenever possible in an effort to develop “internal” skills.


Hiden Shihan, Otaki Han Komon Kai Member

Johnny Berghian is an Arizona native whose martial arts journey began with wrestling in junior high (winning a district championship in 1989) and continued into high school (winning a regional championship in 1993).  A few years after high school, Johnny was introduced to Shihan Eric Merrill who impressed Johnny with jujutsu-based taihojutsu techniques that he’d never seen or felt before.  Johnny humbly asked to become a student of Shihan Merrill and began training under him in 1996.  He trained directly under Shihan Merrill for the next 9 years until Shihan Merrill retired from active teaching in 2005.  Johnny then continued to train privately with Shihan Merrill at quarterly yudansha classes (along with other Otaki Han yudansha) until Shihan Merrill’s untimely death in May of 2019.

Johnny earned his black-belt in Otaki Han Taihojutsu in 2000 and in 2002 Shihan Merrill awarded him a teaching license.  In 2004 Johnny  opened the East Valley Jujutsu Academy in Tempe, Arizona (along with Phil Hillard).  This dojo has since been renamed East Valley Taihojutsu Academy (see Dojos for contact information).

In Shihan Merrill’s Living Trust dated June 2015, he designated Johnny as a “senior advisor” to the next Soden Shihan, and as such is a member of the Otaki Han Komon Kai.  In 2020 Soden Shihan O’Neall awarded Johnny the title of Hiden Shihan.

Johnny also leads the Ginjukai Arizona Study Group of Daito Ryu Aikijujitsu Ginjukai under the guidance of senseis Howard Popkin and Joe Brogna.  Although the Ginjukai honbu is located in New York, Johnny trains with senseis Popkin and Brogna whenever possible in an effort to develop “internal” skills.



Hiden Shihan, Otaki Han Komon Kai Member

Toby Scovel is an Arizona native whose martial arts journey began with high school wresting.  After high school Toby enlisted in the US Army (1990-93) where he was stationed with the 3rd Infantry Division (known as the “Rock on the Marne” a name the company earned in WWI) in Vilseck, Germany.  He was part of a mechanized infantry unit and served as the platoon’s primary M60 gunner, as well as the sniper’s observer for the company.  He also earned his wings by completing Jump School at Ft. Benning, Georgia in March of 1991.

After being honorably discharged from the Army in 1993, Toby returned home to Arizona and was introduced to Shihan Eric Merrill by a police officer friend (Joe Liska, a member of the OHTJ Yudansha Kai).  Immediately enthralled with Shihan Merrill’s taihojutsu system, Toby signed up and began training.  He trained directly under Shihan Merrill for the next 11 years.

Toby earned his black-belt in Otaki Han Taihojutsu in 1996 and in 2002 Shihan Merrill awarded him a teaching license.  In 2004, however, life and family demands necessitated a brief hiatus in his training.  He returned to training in 2009 and trained diligently for the next two years under the tutelage of the system’s then Senpai, Jon O’Neall.  Shortly thereafter Shihan Merrill recertified Toby and returned him to “Good Standing” as an active yudansha and licensed instructor.  Toby then continued to train privately with Shihan Merrill at quarterly yudansha classes (along with other Otaki Han yudansha) until Shihan Merrill’s untimely death in May of 2019.

In 2012, Toby opened the Sumo Budo Dojo in Peoria, Arizona, where he continues to teach (see Dojos for contact information).

In Shihan Merrill’s Living Trust dated June 2015, he designated Toby as a “senior advisor” to the next Soden Shihan, and as such is a member of the Otaki Han Komon Kai.  In 2020 Soden Shihan O’Neall awarded Toby the title of Hiden Shihan.

Toby also trains in Daito Ryu Aikijujitsu Ginjuikai with the Ginjukai Arizona Study Group under the guidance of senseis Howard Popkin and Joe Brogna.  Although the Ginjukai honbu is located in New York, Toby trains with senseis Popkin and Brogna whenever possible in an effort to develop “internal” skills.